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News and Updates

APWU Contract Negotiations Update

September 20, 2024

After a week of intensive round-the-clock negotiations, we have an important update on the status of bargaining for our next union contract.

Our 2021-2024 contract was due to expire at midnight on September 20. We have made progress at the bargaining table in the last week but have not yet secured a new tentative agreement.

The APWU and USPS have agreed to “stop the clock” and keep the current contract and MOUs in full force as we continue to negotiate. Management has agreed that negotiators will meet for bargaining sessions at least once a week.

What Does "Stop the Clock" Mean for You?

All the provisions and benefits of the current contract remain in effect, including:

• No-layoff protections
• Step increases
• Leave benefits
• Bidding and seniority rights
• 50-mile limit on excessing remain in force
• Workplace safety
• Grievance procedure

The continued solidarity of all APWU members is the path ahead to a good contract. Together, we must remain united to leverage our collective power to fight for –and win- the contract we deserve.

Don’t forget to wear your union gear every Thursday, join the October 1 rallies and be “Union Proud, Say it Loud!”

We will continue to keep you informed every step of the way through our website, social media channels, video updates, and our dedicated hotline at (202) 642-9049.

Click here to view message


2024 Local Election Results
As Determined by the Supervised Election


The results of the Supervised Election, overseen by the Department of Labor, Office of Labor Managament Standards, for the election of officers for the Indianapolis Area Local for Clerk Craft Director "A" and the Trustee positions are:

Clerk Craft Director "A" - LaTonia Smith
Chief Trustee - Steve "Steviray" Vaughn
First Trustee -Darrell L Johnson
Second Trustee - Loretta "LT" Taylor
For a listing of results Click here for the certification from SOCO .


Indianapolis Area Local #130
Supervised Election Nominations


Nominations for a Special/Supervised Election will take place at the beginning of the Tuesday, November 14, 2023 General Membership Meeting which will begin at 6:00 pm.

The Office of Labor Management Standards (OLMS) will oversee the supervised election for the positions of Clerk Craft Director “A” (P&DC), Clerk Craft Director “D” (MPA), and the three (3) Trustee positions for the term ending April 1, 2026. Nominations will only be held for Clerk Craft Director “A” (P&DC) and Clerk Craft Director “D” (MPA).

To run for an elected officer position within the Indianapolis Area Local, all candidates must sign a Declaration of Eligibility. A Certificate of Candidacy to accept or decline a candidacy is also required. Both forms are available at the Union Hall during regular business hours and must be submitted by the close of the nominations meeting to the Election Supervisor at:

Written nominations must be received by 5:00pm, close of business November 13, 2023, and must be emailed to: The Indianapolis Area Local #130 offices are located at 1509 Prospect Street, Indianapolis, IN 46203 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm (with the exception of Tuesday, November 14, 2023, the office will close at 5:00pm)

Nominations and the election are being held as a result of a voluntary settlement agreement. Any member in good standing may protest the supervised election for a valid cause; such protest should be made directly to the Department of Labor in writing at any time before, during, or within 10 days after the election (by noon on 1/19/2024) at


APWU Health Plan Open Season

November 13 - December 11, 2023

Open Season for your Health Plan selection in the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program is now open from November 13th to December 11th, 2023.

During Open Season, the APWU Health Plan member education department hosts virtual health fairs that provide an overview of benefit highlights, updates, and new Medicare Advantage enhancements.

You will also have a chance to review the APWU Health Plan Open Season website and videos for both the High Option and Consumer Driven Option plans.

Most important, during the Q & A period you can ask Health Plan staff questions about Open Season changes

Register Now!

2023 health fairs take place on Tuesdays,

Tuesday, Nov 7, noon – 2 pm ET, Register Now

Tuesday, Nov 14, noon – 2 pm ET, Register Now

Tuesday, Nov 21, noon – 2 pm ET, Register Now

Tuesday, Nov 28, noon – 2 pm ET, Register Now

Tuesday, Dec 5, noon – 2 pm ET, Register Now

Once registered, you will get an email confirmation with a GoToWebinar link and dial-in information. On the day before the virtual health fair date you selected, we will email you a reminder and include the dial-in information with instructions.


New COLA Increase


Today is a big day if you’re a postal worker. The semi-annual cost of living adjustment (COLAs) has been announced and all career employees covered by the main APWU-USPS collective bargaining agreement are getting a $.48 per hour raise! That amounts to $998.00 a year for a full time, career postal worker.

The COLA will appear in paychecks dated Sept. 15, 2023 (Pay Period 20-2023).

These are union-won benefits. All career employees get these increases to keep up with rising inflation because APWU members fought hard and negotiated them in our union contract.

Postal Support Employees (PSEs) do not get COLA, but when they convert to career, the COLA increases are also included in their wages going forward.

Read more about your COLA and find out how you can help build a stronger union.


2023 Local Election Results, As Determined by the APWU National Election Appeals Committee


The results after an appeal to the APWU National Election Appeals Committee, for the election of officers for the Indianapolis Area Local are now available at the link below.

The General Officers are listed below.

President - Dianna Coleman
Vice President - Daphne Baldwin
Secretary/Treasurer - Don Packwood
Membership/Insurance Coordinator - Charlotte Hiatt
Recording Secretary - Janine Yowell
Sergeant-at-Arms - Alfred Harvey

For a listing of Craft Directors, Trustees, State and National Delegates Click here for the certification from SOCO .


Notice from the Election Committee


To all members,

During the 2023 Triennial Election there was misconduct resulting in the disqualification of numerous candidates per the election committee rules. This is why the certified results were different from the results of the actual count. Several members had their personal info shared without their consent and knowledge with a 3rd party company possibly exposing them to identity theft. The committee voted unanimously to come to this decision. The members advised that they assumed the union was sending the texts, as all contact, mailings, and notices must go through the committee, unless it is by personal one-on-one contact by the candidates. In addition, this list was distributed to an outside provider that was not affiliated with the union. We, the committee, believed at that time and still believe this was a serious enough infraction to merit disqualification of all the candidates identified in those text messages since they benefited from an activity that not only violated the privacy of our members, but also was completely non-consensual and violated the agreed upon rules for the current election and the LMRDA regarding union provided information. Any union provided information must go through the election committee.

Erik Meyer
2023 Triennial Election Committee Chair


2023 Certified Local Election Results

03/27/2023 - Update by the Election Committee

The Certified Results, of the election of officers for the Indianapolis Area Local are now available at the link below.

The General Officers are listed below.

President - Greg Jones
Vice President - Darrick Myricks
Secretary/Treasurer - Don Packwood
Membership/Insurance Coordinator - Charlotte Hiatt
Recording Secretary - Sandra Pierce
Sergeant-at-Arms - Alfred Harvey

Clerk Craft Director "A" -MacLawrence Ford
Clerk Craft Director "B" -Traishon Sullivan
Clerk Craft Director "D" -Sierra Lancaster

Chief Trustee - Loretta Taylor
1st Trustee - Steve Vaughn
2nd Trustee - Reggie Moore

For a listing of State and National Delegates Click here for Certified Election Results.


Maintenance Line "H" Award


In a Step 3 decision reached on February 27, 2023, it was agreed that the facility did NOT reach 90% of the MS-47 Line H hours for FY 2022 and has agreed to pay employees identified by the union $167,843.27 (less applicable taxes/deductions). Read the decision letter below

Click here to read the settlement


Motor Vehicle Vacation Slots Settlement


In a Direct Appeal to Arbitration on the issue of management failing to abide within the bounds of the Indianapolis Memorandum of Understanding in regard to the Formulation of Local Leave, the union has prevailed. In a Step 3 meeting the grievance was resolved the issue related to the number of choice vacation slots for the Indianapolis Main Garage/VMF. It adds one (1) vacation slot/week to Choice Vacation. See the attached settlement from March 6, 2023.

Click Here to read the settlement


Department of Labor Announces New FECA Procedures for COVID-19 Cases

January 30, 2023

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The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) expired on January 27. The APWU has opposed the expiration of those provisions of the act that protected federal workers who contracted COVID-19 (COVID). We are providing the following as information to members on the new procedures for COVID-related workers’ compensation (OWCP) claims through the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA).

The ARPA included presumptions for federal workers who were exposed to COVID in the course of their employment. Postal workers who tested positive for COVID and had been working in the Postal Service were presumed to have contracted their illness while at work. Workers’ compensation claims were to be processed through the Department of Labor (DOL) by submission of form CA-1, Notice of Traumatic Injury. Traumatic Injury claims allow for the benefit of Continuation of Pay (COP).

The ARPA expired on Jan. 27, 2023. For workers who test positive for COVID after Jan. 27, 2023, the DOL has announced their procedures for processing workers’ compensation claims in FECA Bulletin 23-02, available online.

In most instances, workers’ compensation claims for COVID should now be filed on form CA-2 Notice of Occupational Disease (unless the injured worker is capable of positively identifying their exposure to a single event or a single work shift). There is no entitlement to COP in an occupational disease claim. Any claim for wage loss benefits will need to be pursued through filing a CA-7 through the DOL. Any claims for COVID benefits based on testing after Jan. 27, 2023 and filed on a CA-1 will be administratively converted to a CA-2 by the DOL, and COP will be denied. The injured worker will receive written notice of any such change. There is also a three-day waiting period and the employee will initially need to use their own leave until the claim is approved.

For claims based on positive testing after Jan. 27, 2023, the injured worker will have the burden of establishing all five (5) essential elements to workers’ compensation entitlement to include a causal relationship (there will be no more presumptions). A causal relationship is established by providing a physician’s reasoned medical opinion as to why he or she believes that a positively tested COVID diagnosis was attributable to work place exposure. The claims examiner will issue a developmental letter explaining in more detail the evidence needed to establish the claim.

All COVID claims based on positive testing through Jan. 27, 2023 were assigned case number with a prefix of 19. COVID claims based on testing after Jan. 27, 2023 will be assigned a prefix 55, like most other claims received by the DOL.

(Reference: FECA Bulletin No. 23-02. Dec. 15, 2022)




Nominations for the Triennial Election will take place following the February 11, 2023, 10 am Saturday General Membership Meeting.

Article 10 of our Local Constitution and By-Laws governs our process for conducting the election.

To run for an elected officer position and/or delegate to the State and/or National Conventions within the Indianapolis Area Local APWU 130, all candidates must sign a Declaration of Eligibility. A Certification of Candidacy to accept or decline a candidacy is available at the union hall for your convenience during regular business hours.

Both forms must be provided to the Election Chairperson prior to the close of the February 11, 2023 Union meeting. Both forms are available at the Union Hall.

Mail in nominations or fax nominations (317-634-1871) must be addressed to:
IALAPWU, ATTN: ELECTION Committee and must be received by 5pm, close of business February 10, 2023.
Location: 1509 Prospect St.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46203
Office Hours: Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

(With the exception of February 10, 2023, the office will close at 5 pm)

Click Here for "Candidate Certification"


Information on Direct Deposit Issues



I received the below message from VP Labor Relations Tom Blum last night. Again, remind people not to give their PostalEase login information to anyone. Some have willingly given their information to scam callers, and some went to the spoofed PostalEase website thinking they were logging into the legitimate website. As of this morning, I am aware of very few APWU employees who were impacted out of the 119 currently identified by the Postal Service, but even one is too many.

I have been in contact and in discussions regarding pay advances to those who lost money. However, as the message below states, they have not committed to do so. If I get more information I will share it.

You are welcome to share with the field.


PostalEase has not been breached by any third party.

Employees accessing PostalEase via the official postal website have not experienced security breaches.

Over several recent days, approximately 119 postal employees attempted accessing PostalEase using Google; however, Google’s routers redirected their searches to third-party websites. Unfortunately, their logon credentials were hacked, and some accounts were compromised.

The banking industry standard requires financial institutions to return misrouted or misappropriated funds.

Several third-party websites were criminal scams, and likely, some of the lost monies will not be returned. We do not have the total dollar loss currently available.

Liability for the hacking, bank account breaches and lost monies remains with Google.

CIZO and the Inspection Service continue their investigations. Please note, as confirmed in my email yesterday, the Eagan ASC is supporting employees’ efforts to recoup their losses. (Eagan Helpdesk 866-674-2733; PostalEase log-on issues 877-477-3273).

The potential use of pay advances (not guaranteed reimbursement for any lost funds) via money orders for the impacted employees is under HQ review.

Headquarters is also working on two employee communications and one employee handout to provide additional notice of the breach.

1. Letter to be sent to employees that have been impacted on next steps.
2. Letter to be sent to all postal employees making them aware of the potential risk.
3. Handout to be included in letter to all employees to provide examples of fake sites and steps on how to update personal contact information.

Due to the urgency of this matter and the need to coordinate with Topeka to provide these notices, the goal is to obtain HQ approval of the drafts by Friday.

We will keep you posted.


Thank you and remember—stay safe, wear your mask!

Charlie Cash

Industrial Relations Director
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
202-842-4273 Office; 801-661-1979 Cell


Urgent Update: Reports of direct deposit changes


I have been receiving individual reports from around the country of problems with employee’s direct deposit. It seems that some are reporting that changes have been made to their direct deposits have been changed to a bank account that does not belong to them and they are not receiving their paychecks. I have received no reports from the Postal Service of a system comprise, but if I do, I will share the information with the field.

Please, everyone needs to do the following:

Login into LiteBlue and change passwords—do it even if nothing has happened
Check your payroll. If it is not being deposited immediately:
Call HRSSC and report Call finance and report (HRSSC can provide number)
Once reported, ask your immediate supervisor for a pay advance if you were comprised. If you were not comprised—do not ask for a pay advance as this will only complicate things for those who have been legitimately compromised. If an advance is denied, immediately report the denial to your local or state union. I ask that the local or state union report the denial for tracking to Lee Branca at
Do not give your information to anyone. There have been reports that some “loan” companies-aka check cashing advance—places asking for LiteBlue info—DO NOT GIVE THEM INFO!

The Postal Service is in the process of switching to MultiFactor Authentication for all LiteBlue Transactions. I am not disputing this change as it is important to protect everyone’s info. This will add an additional layer of security to protect our employees.

Thank you and remember—stay safe, wear your mask!

Charlie Cash

Industrial Relations Director
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
202-842-4273 Office; 801-661-1979 Cell


Urgent: Calls seeking LiteBlue Login information


It has been reported to me from the field that postal employees around the country are receiving calls from someone posing as a Postal Inspector. The “inspector” is telling them their Liteblue account has been comprised and locked. The “inspector” is asking them to provide their EIN, and “previous” password in order to verify and unlock their account.

Unfortunately, we have had some folks pony up the info. Once the information has been provided, the scammers are then logging in to the Liteblue account and change their net-to-bank payroll information.

These are reports from the field and I just reported it to USPS HQ. I have no further information but PLEASE—DO NOT SHARE YOUR LITEBLUE/POSTALEASE LOGIN INFORMATION WITH ANYONE. The Postal Inspectors will not call and ask for this over the phone. If anyone has received this call and provided info, please attempt to login and check your Liteblue/PostalEase account immediately. Go immediately and change your password. If you can’t get in or something is suspicious—Call HRSSC immediately to fix your Liteblue/PostalEase account.

If I have official communications from the Postal Service or learn more—I will let you know. This exact reason is why the Postal Service is changing to MultiFactor Authentication (MFA)—using your cell phone or email to get a code to login. Again—please do not give out your info!!!

Please share with field immediately.


PSE's Increase and
Retroactive Pay for
ALL Employees


The Postal Service advised Friday night, June 24, 2022, that they have identified the issue that prevented the PSEs from receiving the additional 50 cents per hour pay on June 4, 2022. Unfortunately, they are going to have to do additional programming to complete to make sure they 50 cents is implemented.

The Postal Service has advised that the 50 cents will be implement at the beginning of pay period 17 (begins July 30, 2022) and will appear on the paychecks/direct deposits for August 19, 2022. The period from June 4, 2022 through July 29, 2022 will be paid in when the retroactive payments are made.

To once again restate—the date for the retroactive payments (some people are calling it contract backpay) has not been established. President Dimondstein and myself are pushing the Postal Service to provide that date and to make it as soon as possible.


The Postal Service Reform Act Passes the Senate & Will Become Law


In a historic moment, the Senate passed the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 on March 8th. The House passed the bill last month with a vote of 342-92. The legislation will now go to President Biden’s desk, where he will sign it into law. The...
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Contract Update


We have a NEW Contract

After the completion of the members ratification ballot count on February 28, 2022 the vote was for a resounding YES. Official Counts were 33,636 YES and 2,290 NO votes. The CBA was signed by PMG DeJoy and President Mark Dimondstein.

With the ratification finished the COLA scheduled for February 26, will be paid retro-actively at a date to be determined. The new CBA will cover the three (3) year period September 21, 2021 thru September 20, 2024.

Not only does this preserve your COLA and wage increases, but allow other negotiates portions of the CBA to go into effect which include new work hour guarantees for PTF’ advanced leave provisions, and guaranteed PSE conversions. Also included is a Memorandum of Understanding on Discrimination & Harassment, clarifying what kinds of discrimination violates Article 2 and an APWU/USPS educational task force to educate management on rights they must provide to postal workers.

Read more

How to File an OWCP Claim
When Diagnosed with COVID-19
Know Your RIGHTS at Work!!


Currently, there is a spike of COVID-19 diagnosis throughout the United States. Postal Employees are not exempt from contracting COVID-19. Following national trends, there is also a spike in the number of COVID-19 cases at the Postal Service. Not knowing how COVID-19 can affect any one person whether it is a mild illness, a severe case, a case of “long” COVID-19, what the long-term effects might be, or sadly even death, it is vital that those who contract the virus understand that it is their right to apply for worker’s compensation benefits to protect themselves and their families.

If you are a postal employee, no matter if you are a career employee or non-career employee, you are entitled to file a claim with the Office of Workers Compensation Programs. The one caveat is that you must have worked at the Post Office at some point during the 21-days prior to your COVID-19 diagnosis, and are required to complete an approved form of COVID-19 testing to prove you are sick. Employees that have claims approved...
Continue reading...

CLick here for UPDATED COVID-19 Decision Tree


In Memoriam of Randy Downard


Randy Downard passed away in the early morning hours of Thursday, January 6, 2022, at his home in Daleville, Indiana, surrounded by his wife and children. Randy was born on October 13, 1953 to his parents Bill and Cheryl Downard. He grew up in Brookville, IN and would later attend Ball State University. He married his wife Cindy, and they raised their children Cathy and Kevin in Daleville, Indiana. Randy passionately defended the rights of his fellow postal workers for many years. He supported the USPS in letter sorting and the Bulk Mail Room. Ultimately, he served as a National Business Agent of the American Postal Workers Union.

He was preceded in death by parents Franklin (Bill) Downard and Cheryl Elizabeth Downard, and his sister Pamela Zepic. Randy is missed and loved by his wife and children, his brothers Michael Downard of Beech Grove Indiana and Christopher (Carol) Downard of LaFayette Indiana, countless friends, and his miniature dachshund, Frankie. A celebration of life will be announced in the near future according to his wishes. In lieu of flowers the family would like to suggest the Lupus Foundation or the Animal Protection League.

Condolences may be sent Cindy Downard and Family at 9401 S. Greenway Drive, Daleville, IN 47334 Read More




Due to the increasing risk of exposure in larger groups and meetings, the January 11, 2022 Indianapolis Area Local Union Meeting is canceled. All members will be counted present. The next scheduled meeting is February 12, 2022.


BREAKING NEWS: APWU & USPS Reach Tentative Agreement


The American Postal Workers Union and the U.S. Postal Service have reached a tentative three-year Collective Bargaining Agreement, announced APWU President and Lead Negotiator Mark Dimondstein.

The Tentative Agreement was reached on December 9th and, in accordance with the APWU Constitution, was presented by the National Negotiating Committee to the Rank & File Bargaining Advisory Committee. On December 10th, the Rank & File Committee unanimously approved the Tentative Agreement for a ratification vote of the members.

Read More >

Read a Summary of the Agreement >


Juneteenth Holiday Added


The Postal Service will recognize the Juneteenth National Independence Day as a holiday eligible to full-time and part-time career employees. The holiday commemorates the final end to slavery in the United States and a day is being set aside to recognize this historic event. While initially signed into law on June 17, 2021, it will be observed beginning in 2022.

Read USPS Document


2021 Penalty Overtime Exclusion Period


As a matter of general interest, the "Penalty Overtime Exclusion" period for the calendar year 2021 as referenced in Article 8, Sections 4 and 5 or the NALC and APWU National Agreements will begin Pay Period 26-21 - Week 1 (December 4, 2021) and end Pay Period 01-22, Week 2 (December 31, 2021).


President Biden Names Two Nominees to Board of Governors


Today, President Joe Biden announced two new nominees to the Postal Service Board of Governors to replace outgoing governors. The President nominated Dan Tangherlini, who served as Administrator of the General Services Administration in the Obama Administration and has worked in various roles in the District of Columbia government. He also nominated Derek Kan, who worked in the Trump Administration’s Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Transportation.

Their appointments are to fill the spots on the Board being vacated by Governors Ron Bloom and John Barger. Bloom’s term expired last year; he was finishing a holdover year which ends on December 8. Barger’s term expires the same day, but he will stay on the Board until a replacement is confirmed by the Senate.

The APWU looks forward to meeting with the nominees, sharing our views on matters affecting postal workers and learning where they stand on the future of the public United States Postal Service.


President Biden Signs Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act


Today, President Biden signed H.R. 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, into law. This bi-partisan, $1.2 Trillion package will make long-overdue investments in our nation's infrastructure, providing the funding to finally repair our decaying roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. Remarkably, the law represents the most significant investment in bridges since the creation of the interstate highway system. The bill also provides funding to expand broadband access, strengthen our water and energy systems, and ease the supply shortages by ending port and airline maintenance backlogs. While the infrastructure bill is indeed a step forward, more is needed in the face of the ever-escalating climate crisis, staggering wealth inequality, and an ongoing pandemic.



The Wheels of Justice Often Turn Slowly


(This article first appeared in the November/December issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) After over a year of discussions on the Step 4 grievances highlighted in this magazine, the APWU National and the USPS Headquarters parties have resolved three of the numerous outstanding MVS disputes. During the recent and still ongoing Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) negotiations between the parties, we were also able to discuss unresolved working issues that affect MVS Craft members.



USPS request to vacate Hatch Act Arbitration dismissed


In August of 2018, Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg struck down the Postal Service’s unilateral implementation of changes to ELM Section 510 and to PS-Form 3971 regarding union leave for political activity such as in relation to voter registration and get out the votes efforts. The changes required employees taking Leave Without Pay (LWOP) for union business to certify that they would not be participating in any partisan political activities. (Click here for web news article on the award). The Postal Service claimed these changes were necessary to comply with the Hatch Act. However, Arbitrator Goldberg agreed with the APWU that the changes violated Articles 5, 10, and 19 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and could not be implemented without bargaining.

The Postal Service challenged the arbitrator’s award in federal court seeking that the award be vacated. On Friday, April 23, 2021, the Postal Service agreed with the Court to dismiss the case.

With this dismissal, the arbitrator’s award is final and binding. All of the changes to the ELM and PS-Form 3971 will be rescinded. Employees will not have to certify they will not be participating in partisan political activity while on union LWOP. It should be noted that this does not mean that all PS-Forms 3971 in circulation will be automatically removed from use. However, it does mean the certification language is null and void.

This again shows that the APWU is continually fighting to have the language of our collective bargaining enforced. It also reenforces that the Postal Service must in fact bargain and negotiate with the APWU when they are going to make changes to any handbook, manual, or form that directly affects the wages, hours, and working conditions of those the union represents.

“On behalf of the members I congratulate Industrial Relations Director Zimmerman, the attorneys and staff, who led in the original successful arbitration award and now have defeated management efforts seek to overturn our victory in the courts," said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “This is a victory for the union and its members to be more fully involved in the political process.”


Indiana Postal Workers Virtual Convention Scheduled

Date 06/12/2020

The Indiana Postal Workers will host the first ever Virtual Convention on Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EST.

The convention will be held on ZOOM, and is by invitation only to delegates and officers. Delegates and officers will be notified via email of the login information.

National APWU officers and National Business Agents are also invited to attend.

The conference will allow the election of officers and other items communicated from the Department of Labor to be resolved after COVID-19 delayed the convention. The Virtual Convention allows for the business items to be conducted, while protecting the health and safety of the membership.


Update the


The results are in and the new officers step into their new positions on May 19, 2020.

Your newly elected officers are:

President: Greg Jones
Vice President: Steve Vaughn
Secretary-Treasurer: Don Packwood
Recording Secretary: Alesia Blount
Membership-Insurance: Dianna Coleman
Sergeant-at-Arms: Alfred Harvey
Clerk Craft Director A: MacLawrence Ford
Clerk Craft Director B: Charlotte Hiatt
Clerk Craft Director C: Kathy Woods
Clerk Craft Director D: Caleb Abioye
Motor Vehicle Director: Dennis Sams
Maintenance Director: John "Mike" Hale
Chief Trustee: Richard Manifold
Trustee: Loretta Maydwell
Trustee: Kenneth Dortch



We Have a New Union Contract!!

March 11, 2020

The big news is in – 200,000 postal workers represented by the APWU have a new union contract!


--->Click Here<--- for a copy of the New CBA

APWU Meets with USPS on the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 4, 2020

The coronavirus, officially named COVID-19, originating in China, has now spread to over 65 countries including to the United States. The APWU is...

Read More...›


Wounded Warrior Leave Act Extended

January 5, 2019

The leave that is offered through the Wounded Warriors Leave (WWL) Act of 2015 is provided to all eligible employees at the beginning of each leave year. This began effective leave year 2019 (January 5, 2019). The eligible employees will receive an allotment of 104 hours of WWL. WWL will continue to be provided to newly hired employees at the beginning of their term of employment as required by the terms of the 2015 Act.

WWL is an authorized absence from work to undergo medical treatment for a service-connected disability rated 30% or more. It is a separate leave category, distinct from sick leave. Approved WWL cannot be adversely used against an eligible employee for attendance and discipline purposes. To request WWL an employee must submit a PS Form 3971 to their appropriate supervisor. There is an exception to the advance approval for unexpected treatment the qualifies for WWL. The supervisor is responsible for approving or disapproving the PS Form 3971.

To verify that WWL requested is appropriately used for the treatment of the service-connected disability, the requesting employee must submit to the supervisor a copy of PS Form 5980, Treatment Verification for WWL, certified by a health care provider that the employee used the leave to receive treatment for the covered disability. The employee must provide the verification no later than 15 calendar days after the employee returns to work. A properly completed PS Form 5980 also provides for frequency and/or duration of prescribed treatment that would necessitate the employee taking WWL beyond the date of appointment identified in the Employee Information portion of the form.

    Eligible new hires will receive 104 hours of WWL upon hire (as required by the 2015 law) to be used for the remainder of the current calendar.
    Each January, all disabled veterans with a 30% or more disability rating will receive 104 hours of WWL to use during the calendar year.
    At the end of each calendar year, an remaining WWL will be forfeited but, assuming the employee still has a combined disability rating of 30% or more, he/she will receive a new 104 hours at the start of the new year.
    Any unused WWL is not rolled over to the next year, nor will it be paid out if the employee leaves.
    WWL can be used concurrent with FMLA, when appropriate.

Attached is the notification for the updated Management Instruction (MI) EL-510-2016-8, Wounded Warrior Leave (WWL). This is the final document.


Resolution Opposing Privatization of the Postal Service Introduced in Congress


07/26/2018 - On July 16, a leading group of Congressional representatives took action to help combat a proposal to privatize the Postal Service. The proposal, put forward by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget in their report Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century, would “restructure the U.S. Postal Service” and “prepare it for future conversion from a government agency into a privately-held corporation.” ?

APWU thanks the bipartisan group of representatives for introducing House Resolution 993 in the 115th Congress (2017-2018) in response to this attack. The resolution calls on Congress to take all appropriate measures to ensure that the United States Postal Service remains an independent establishment of the Federal Government and not be subject to privatization.

The resolution was introduced by Rodney Davis (R-IL) and Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and co-sponsored by Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Paul Cook (R-CA), Brian Mast (R-FL), Don Young (R-AK), Cedric Richmond (D-LA), Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), Dave Loebsack (D-IA) and Marcia Fudge (D-OH).

“We will fight back against any attempt to privatize the Postal Service,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “This is yet another attempt by corporate interests to pad their pockets and rob the public of affordable and universal mail delivery.”

Members of Congress will be starting their summer recess in August. “We urge all APWU members to meet with your representative and express the urgency of them becoming a co-sponsor of this resolution and oppose the privatization of the Postal Service,” said Legislative and Political Director Judy Beard.

You can reach your Congressional representative by dialing 1-844-402-1001.

The following was updated on January 28, 2020
This was reintroduced in the 116th Congress (2019-2020) in the Senate as S.Res.99 and in the House as H.Res 33